bing text to speech

The Bing Translation API includes a Text To Speech (TTS) feature which is useful for many applications other than language translation. At the time of writing, this seems to be the best free Text To Speech API available. Google has one linked to its trans

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  • Use the tools, technology, and intelligence behind Bing to jump start growth and create en...
    Bing for Partners helps businesses and developers succeed
  • Build speech recognition software into your applications with the Bing Speech API from Mic...
    Bing Speech API - Speech Recognition Software | Microsoft ...
  • 使用 Microsoft Azure 的 Speech API ,將語音辨識加入您的應用程式中,包括文字轉語音。 略過導覽 銷售專線 ... Bing Web 搜尋 API 從數以...
    Bing Speech API - 語音辨識 | Microsoft Azure
  • Microsoft Speech technologies consist of three main capabilities: Voice Commands allow use...
    Bing Speech Services
  • The Bing Voice Recognition API lets you to increase the impact of your application by gett...
    Bing Voice Recognition (Beta) | Microsoft Azure Marketplace ...
  • The Bing Translation API includes a Text To Speech (TTS) feature which is useful for many ...
    GitHub - craicbing_translate_text_to_speech: Demo that uses ...
  • The APIs provide fast text to speech conversion in various voices and languages. In additi...
    Microsoft Speech Service | Microsoft Docs
  • I used the following code to initial the text to speech synthesis using a button. But some...
    Text To Speech - Bing 网典
  • With the Bing text to speech API, your application can send HTTP requests to a cloud serve...
    Text to Speech API of Microsoft Speech Service | Microsoft ...
  • The Bing Speech Recognition Control enables a Windows 8, Windows 8.1, or Windows RT machin...
    The Bing Speech Recognition Control